20 Nov 2015
November 20, 2015

uSomIQ ver.5 goes mainstream, SRM updated


From this moment Mentorel will supply only uSomIQ AM335x version 5, version 4 goes obsolete.

So what are the differences between uSomIQ ver.4 and ver.5?
Both ver.4 and ver.5 have absolutely the same schematics, architecture and connections except for the single feature: ver.5 can’t be powered by a USB cable, while ver.4 had this nice feature to be powered from a PC USB port.

This feature was introduced by the original BeagleBone Black schematic and we thought it was nice to power boards from a PC USB host port. However this opportunity brought more problems rather than benefits, because the modules had random reboots and still, although a lot of fixes were added to Linux kernel, this problem was not solved. For some hardware assemblies we used the zero Ohm resistor to pull down the USB0_VBUS line, but then the ver.5 was created where we simply disconnected the USB0_VBUS line from the USB power input at TPS65217 and the random reboot issue has gone forever. For simplicity we modified the BoneCape design to power the baseboard by the PC USB port. This modification means nothing for any robust industrial design because such systems are usually powered by highly stabilized power source.

You can check the updated uSomIQ AM335x datasheet at this URL: https://www.mentorel.com/downloads/usomiq/design/usomiq_srm.pdf